
Refinery Exhaust Stacks, Anacortes, Washington (image on Photoshelter)
Air pollution from a fixed stack is a good example that can be used to explain the concept of an externality. I discussed the externalities previously in a blog article (Risk and Externalities) in the context of the BP oil spill and its widespread impact in the Gulf of Mexico.
On the production side, externalities come into play when the full cost of production is not reflected in the cost of the good.
Air pollution emissions may contain various pollutants, gaseous and particulate matter. The area impacted and the degree of impact will be affected by the pollutants released and the meteorological conditions.
For example, a temperature inversion will keep cold air close to the surface under a layer of warm air so that the air does not mix well vertically. The pollutants will be kept closer to the surface and their impact will be greater.
Sulfur dioxide emissions may impact lakes and fish (as acid rain), and thus ecosystems. Sulfur dioxide is a harmful pollutant for humans as well as fish. Sulfur dioxide can adhere to airborne suspended particulate matter. If the particulate matter is small, this may ease entry into the lung where the sulfur dioxide can do greater harm.
Air pollution is a direct result of the manufacturing process that extends from the stack into the community and beyond. It’s impact results in costs to others. Thus there are costs associated with air pollution that are not included in the production costs. To the extent that this is true, the product produced is under priced, and the public, an external entity, is paying those additional costs.
Costs include medical costs, as well as reduced life expectancy due to the pollution. Air pollution, in addition to being unhealthy, reduces visibility, may add odor, and adds quality of life issues. Pollution impacts maintenance of buildings and other structures.
Determing costs attributable to air pollution is a complex problem. There have been studies done to ascertain such costs. For example, a RAND study looked at health costs in California attributable to air pollution above state standards. That study would reflect air pollution due to a variety of causes, not just the point sources discussed in this blog article. California has a great deal of automobile pollution which contributes to carbon monoxide and ozone pollution problems.
Monitoring and regulation of air pollutants requires resources as well. Air pollution regulation and monitoring exists at the federal, state and local levels.
To reiterate, the producer’s price does not reflect these costs. Thus the price of the good is under priced with respect to other options because it does not include the cost of these “external” costs which others must bear.
When full external costs are brought into the mix, the producer’s price must necessarily increase. As it increases, other competing options may become more attractive and the producer may lose business. Alternatively, the producer may choose to upgrade the method of production to reduce the pollution, a cost they may not be willing to take if full external costs were included.
Air pollution is one example of an externality.
The situation becomes more complicated where the risk matrix considers low probability, high risk events. Such events may be difficult to estimate and to price for. Even assuming these low probability, high risk events could be reasonably priced for, it may be impossible for the producer to compete with prices reflecting such a risk margin. Competitors in the same field may refuse to include such a risk margin, thus driving the producer out of business. Competitors in other fields without such a risk margin will be at an advantage.
Where the risk margin for the low probability, high impact event is not priced for and is not included in the pricing there is the potential for considerable externality impacts should the low probability high impact risk event materialize.
As previous nuclear disasters have shown, the low probability, high risk event presents considerable externality issues in the nuclear arena, considering the serious impacts of radiation. (See my blog articles, Chernobyl 25th Anniversary and Energy Choices and Risk).
Refinery Exhaust Stacks, Anacortes, Washington (image on Photoshelter)
Air pollution from a fixed stack is a good example that can be used to explain the concept of an externality. I discussed the externalities previously in a blog article (Risk and Externalities) in the context of the BP oil spill and its widespread impact in the Gulf of Mexico.
On the production side, externalities come into play when the full cost of production is not reflected in the cost of the good.
Air pollution emissions may contain various pollutants, gaseous and particulate matter. The area impacted and the degree of impact will be affected by the pollutants released and the meteorological conditions.
For example, a temperature inversion will keep cold air close to the surface under a layer of warm air so that the air does not mix well vertically. The pollutants will be kept closer to the surface and their impact will be greater.
Sulfur dioxide emissions may impact lakes and fish (as acid rain), and thus ecosystems. Sulfur dioxide is a harmful pollutant for humans as well as fish. Sulfur dioxide can adhere to airborne suspended particulate matter. If the particulate matter is small, this may ease entry into the lung where the sulfur dioxide can do greater harm.
Air pollution is a direct result of the manufacturing process that extends from the stack into the community and beyond. It’s impact results in costs to others. Thus there are costs associated with air pollution that are not included in the production costs. To the extent that this is true, the product produced is under priced, and the public, an external entity, is paying those additional costs.
Costs include medical costs, as well as reduced life expectancy due to the pollution. Air pollution, in addition to being unhealthy, reduces visibility, may add odor, and adds quality of life issues. Pollution impacts maintenance of buildings and other structures.
Determing costs attributable to air pollution is a complex problem. There have been studies done to ascertain such costs. For example, a RAND study looked at health costs in California attributable to air pollution above state standards. That study would reflect air pollution due to a variety of causes, not just the point sources discussed in this blog article. California has a great deal of automobile pollution which contributes to carbon monoxide and ozone pollution problems.
Monitoring and regulation of air pollutants requires resources as well. Air pollution regulation and monitoring exists at the federal, state and local levels.
To reiterate, the producer’s price does not reflect these costs. Thus the price of the good is under priced with respect to other options because it does not include the cost of these “external” costs which others must bear.
When full external costs are brought into the mix, the producer’s price must necessarily increase. As it increases, other competing options may become more attractive and the producer may lose business. Alternatively, the producer may choose to upgrade the method of production to reduce the pollution, a cost they may not be willing to take if full external costs were included.
Air pollution is one example of an externality.
The situation becomes more complicated where the risk matrix considers low probability, high risk events. Such events may be difficult to estimate and to price for. Even assuming these low probability, high risk events could be reasonably priced for, it may be impossible for the producer to compete with prices reflecting such a risk margin. Competitors in the same field may refuse to include such a risk margin, thus driving the producer out of business. Competitors in other fields without such a risk margin will be at an advantage.
Where the risk margin for the low probability, high impact event is not priced for and is not included in the pricing there is the potential for considerable externality impacts should the low probability high impact risk event materialize.
As previous nuclear disasters have shown, the low probability, high risk event presents considerable externality issues in the nuclear arena, considering the serious impacts of radiation. (See my blog articles, Chernobyl 25th Anniversary and Energy Choices and Risk).
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